Promoting Good Lives
The “Good Lives” model is a framework for promoting not just recovery but full, fulfilling, and positive lives. Developed in the context...

Criminal Records Hold Women Back
Sex trade survivors have recently won a crucial victory in the courts, which have ruled that disclosure of soliciting convictions is a...

Supporting Safety and Choice: Resources Available to You
At SASE, we have a number of resources available to you as an organisation to help support your work. At the heart of this is a...

What women really need...
...freedom from criminal records and paths to meaningful (and sustainable) activity - most importantly, a career. Commercial sexual...
How to create women’s services that meet their needs
In recent years, the charity and social enterprise sectors have made great improvements in the way we assess impact. Models such as...

Adopting the Nordic Model conference
A 2015, a conference was held at London South Bank University which heard from speakers including Gavin Shucker MP (Chair, APPG on...
Is it really an ‘affront to human dignity’ to promote exiting among women involved in prostitution?
One of the problems with current service provision for women involved in prostitution is the lack of high quality and dedicated exiting...